What do you do for health testing?

Every well bred dog should have paperwork showing their registration with a reputable kennel club and the health screenings that have been done prior to breeding. The breeder should be able to provide a copy of this to you as the buyer. Does this guarantee your dog will be free of any health issues? No, Mother nature can be cruel sometimes and we do not have tests for everything, but it does show that we are utilizing every test we can to make sound breeding decisions. Each purebred breed will have recommended tests, you can find these recommendations on the OFA website(https://ofa.org/chic-programs/browse-by-breed/?breed). In Pembrokes the following OFA tests are recommended:

Eye exam (form a board certified Ophthalmologist) - This should be done every year. 

Either an OFA x-rays for Hips or PennHip score. For OFA scores, three board certified Ophthalmologist's review these x-rays and give a score based on the breed average. This needs to wait until the dog is 24 months or 2 years old. PennHip score can be done earlier. Hip results are complicated as they involve multiple genes and environmental factors. 

We also test for known genetic recessive disorders with a reputable lab such as Paw Print Genetics or Embark. Genetic Markers that are known in Pembrokes are:

Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC): Shows up with rear leg weakness with intense exercise. It is a recessive disorder needing two copies of the gene to express itself.  

Von Willebrand Disease Type 1 (Type 1 VWD): A mild blood recessive disorder. It is a recessive disorder needing two copies of the gene to express itself. 

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (RCD3): Causes progressive not painful vision loss. It is a recessive disorder needing two copies of the gene to express itself. 

Why should my puppy be registered with a reputable kennel club and breed club? 

This isn't always obvious to someone that just wants a pet and has no desire to show or compete in dog sports.  A registered dog with a reputable kennel club, such as Canadian Kennel Club or American Kennel Club, as well as the breed kennel clubs such as the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of Canada, have rules of conduct and ethics that a breeder or member must follow. This includes recommended health testing, ethical breeding practices and breeding towards a breed standard. It shows the commitment of the breeder to their breed and to the standard of that breed. A registered puppy insures that you are getting what you paid for, a purebred pedigreed dog. A pedigree also offers you an ancestry of your puppy that can be traced back many generations. 

Why do you show in dog shows?

We feel it is an important step. We breed toward a breed standard for structure and temperament. Pembrokes are a working/herding breed and should be able withstand a fair amount of exercise or work. Structure is very important to longevity of your dog (even a pet). The front shoulder assembly on a Pembroke is of utmost importance as 60% of the dogs weight is held up with front assembly. The top line should be flat and not roached and the rear angulation should match the front for an overall balance of movement. Shows allow us to compare ourselves to others and look for possible mates that would keep the strengths of our girl and hopefully improve on any weaknesses. This is not a beauty contest (although we love the beauty of our dogs) it is about the structure, movement, overall strength and beauty of the dog. How well can this dog hold up to what is was bred for. We want our dogs to live a long life without breaking down at an early age. As much as it looks like a lot of fuss it is really important that breeders try to prove their dogs. 

Can I choose my Puppy?

Yes, depending where you are on the list and how many puppies we have in the litter. Once the puppy evaluations are done we will start making calls to our puppy homes to discuss each puppy and which puppies we feel will fit with for you and your family. We will have recomondations for you based on your application and lifestyle and our observations of the litter and temperment testing. A lot of effort goes into raising each litter of puppies to give them the best possible start. From the early neurological stimulation, early scent work, and at 8 weeks temperament testing. This is why the more information you tell us about your family and how you operate day to day life the better. We want our puppies to be the best they can be and for their families to thrive with them. Color is the last thing a breeder should consider, it does not have any affect on how the dog can do its job or live with you and your family.

Can I visit the puppies?

Yes, but not at the new born stage. We keep our home as biologically safe as possible when the puppies are young and vulnerable.  Once the puppies are roaming and interacting with their environment we would love to meet all the members of your immediate family. We feel it is an important step to match you with the right puppy!  Please understand you will be visiting the litter and not your chosen puppy. We will be in contact with approved homes after the puppy evaluatiions (8 weeks old) to discuss which puppy would fit into your into your home and lifestyle the best. We do want you involved in the puppy picking process. If you are too far to come for a visit a facetime/Zoom meeting with your family members will be an option. You will not be left out of puppy raising process, the first 12 months are crucial in developing sound dogs. 

Do I have to have a fully fenced yard?

A fully fenced yard is preferred, but not completely necessary. If you are a very active person/family or involved in dog sports and training I am less concerned about your Pembroke getting all the exercise necessary to be happy. These are working type dogs that thrive in an active home.

How do you raise and socialize your puppies?

Our puppies are raised in our home as family memebers. We raise our puppies using Avidog and Puppy Culture protocols. Avidog was created by Dr. Gayle Watkins using science based methods and Puppy Culture was developed by Jane Messineo Lindquist using positive reinforcement protocols. Both breeder education programs are fantastic and have been instrumental in raising the knowledge of not only the breeder, but the puppy owners as well.